Mk2DroneGun Mk4

Maecenas et velit urna. Phasellus et molestie tortor, at tempus augue. Nullam tincidunt vehicula ligula eget fermentum. Etiam purus justo, finibus vestibulum lacinia non, gravida a tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Aliquam in purus sed justo lobortis pretium vel sed arcu. Morbi sodales urna ac leo consectetur, vitae aliquet ex laoreet. Vestibulum lacinia mauris urna, faucibus cursus mauris gravida id.

SKU: N/A Category: Tag: Product ID: 297


  • DroneGun Mk4 is a rugged, handheld C-UAS effector providing users with a compact, rapid response countermeasure capability.
  • DroneGun Mk4 is highly effective against a wide range of UAS types and models.
  • DroneGun Mk4 can disrupt the control, navigation and video of multiple drones simultaneously.
  • When disruption is triggered, UAS will typically respond via a vertical controlled landing on the spot, or return back to the operator controller or starting point. RF disruption can also interfere with any live video streaming (FPV) back to the remote controller halting the collection of video footage and intelligence by the UAS operator.

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Gas, Spring


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